India ink and gouache on paper, 8 x 6 inches320,480
India ink and shellac on paper, 5 x 3 inches314,479
Mixed media on paper, 4 x 3 inches388,480
India ink and shellac on paper, 5 x 3 inches397,600
Shellac, watercolor and India ink on paper, 3 x 2 inches408,495
Shellac, watercolor, India ink and crayon on paper, 5 x 3 inches329,480
India ink, watercolor and gouache on paper, 2½ x 3¾ inches800,506
Watercolor, India ink and gouache on paper, 4 x 6 inches698,495
Shellac, watercolor and India ink on paper, 3 x 4 inches641,475
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